17th Annual Consultants Survey: Consultants Are Optimistic About the Year Ahead
11 Mar 2022
Profile of the Consultants Survey Respondents
At least 80 percent of those responding to our 17th annual Consultants Survey work with manufacturers of durable goods, with some of these consultants also working with other manufacturers, and three quarters are working on distribution/logistics projects. Nearly half represent clients in data processing/computer-related sectors as well as finance/insurance/real estate.
About 70 percent of the respondents work with companies that are large in terms of their employment numbers, i.e., 500 employees or more. Since 74 percent of those responding to our 35th annual Corporate Survey represent firms with fewer than 500 employees — and only 29 percent claim to use consultants when site selecting — we would expect the consultants’ reporting of their clients’ location plans and priorities to differ greatly from those reported by the Corporate Survey respondents. Let’s see if this holds true.
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