By joining 4CED, you’ll be partnering with other investor members in building economically vibrant businesses and communities in San Juan County through effective partnerships. Invest today in the future of your business and San Juan County.
Individual business benefits of membership include:
- Increased public awareness of economic development happenings and plans
- Network with like-minded, growth-oriented San Juan County businesses
- Opportunities to incorporate your voice in shaping the future of the San Juan County economy
Active membership promotes economic growth of our community, including:
- Higher incomes and improved living standards
- Increased employment
- New capital investment resulting in sustained economic growth
- The fiscal dividend to the government – boosting tax revenue and increasing community services and benefits through increased ecomic activity
Investor Opportunities
Level | Amount | Employees │ Annual Sales |
Zia | $50,000 | 50+ I $5Mplus Govt, Municipalities, Higher Ed Institutions |
Totah | $25,000 | 50+ I $5Mplus |
Roadrunner | $10,000 | 20-50 I $3M to $10M |
Pinon | $5,000 | 15-30 I $1M to $3M |
Turquoise | $2,500 | 11-20 I $500k to 1M |
Yucca | $1,000 | 6-10 I $200K-$500K |
Juniper | $600 | Small Business (2 or more employees – Revenue $0 -$200K) |
Sandstone | $350 | Sole Proprietor (no employees), Individual or Non-Profits |
(Investments are on an annual basis. These are guidelines only. Join at the level that represents your business or entity.)
Join us as we build on an aggressive and targeted economic development strategy that supports our existing businesses and attracts new employers and investment.