Colleges in San Juan County, NM

San Juan County, NM is home to an educated population that benefits from the existence of San Juan College and their workforce training programs. San Juan College is located in Farmington, with an average enrollment of 6,679. The school offers 26 different degree and certificate programs that include healthcare, engineering, liberal arts, and humanities. San Juan College was ranked #3 for New Mexico Community Colleges by Niche and Best Nursing Colleges recognized them for their affordable tuition which can run as low as $5,000 per year. also recognized the school as being in the top 10 online programs in New Mexico.

San Juan College has a robust workforce training and retraining program that is ideal for residents looking to expand their skills, and for employers looking to upskill their employees. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) program provides funding for retraining opportunities for adult, youth, and dislocated workers. To qualify for training, students must be enrolled in programs that lead to employment in an in-demand occupation. Learn more about their workforce programs here.

Regional Overview